ARFmfg Acro 50
  • Acro50 ep
  • Acro 50 prop hang
Acro 50EP
Balsa - Plywood

ARFmfg Acro 50

ARFmfg Acro50 EP

The superb ARFmfg Acro 50EP this stunning aeroplanehas been designed using the latest 3D technology

With superb laser cut quality balsa and ply this airframe is one of the lightest and strongest we have seen

Fitted out with a 600 watt power system ( 700 watt if you need more power )

this will give you unlimited vertical performance


Wingspan 53.5inches ( 1360mm)

Wing area: 543sqin

Weight: 3.4-3,75lbs (1500-1700g

Motor: Brushless outrunner 600-700watts

Esc: 60 amp

Battery: Lipo 4s 3200mAh

Props: 12X6 - 12X8 - 13X6.5 inch EP

Colour scheme varies from photographs

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